There Is No Mortal Who Is Non-moral Or Purely Immoral
The same is the case with the third and the fourth class of people
who are assumed as non-moral or purely immoral. There is no person,
however morally degraded he may be, but reveals some good nature in
his whole course of life. It is our daily experience that we find a
faithful friend in the person even of a pickpocket, a loving father
even in a burglar, and a kind neighbour even in a murderer. Faith,
sympathy, fri
ndship, love, loyalty, and generosity dwell not merely
in palaces and churches, but also in brothels and gaols. On the
other hand, abhorrent vices and bloody crimes often find shelter
under the silk hat, or the robe, or the coronet, or the crown. Life
may fitly be compared with a rope made of white and black straw, and
to separate one from the other is to destroy the rope itself; so also
life entirely independent of the duality of good and bad is no actual
life. We must acknowledge, therefore, that the third and the fourth
propositions are inconsistent with our daily experience of life, and
that only the second proposition remains, which, as seen above,
breaks down at the origin of morality.