Flight Of The Sixth Patriarch
On the following morning the news of what had happened during the
night flew from mouth to mouth, and some of the enraged brothers
attempted to pursue the worthy fugitive. The foremost among them,
Hwui Ming (E-myo), overtook the Sixth Patriarch at a mountain pass
not very far from the Monastery. Then Hwui Nang, laying down the
Kachaya on a rock by the road, addressed the pursuer: "This is a mere
symbol of the patriar
hal authority, and it is not a thing to be
obtained by force. Take it along with you, if you long for it."
Upon this Hwui Ming, who began to be ashamed of his base act, tried
to lift the Kachaya, but in vain, for it was, as he felt, as heavy as
the rock itself. At last he said to the Sixth Patriarch: "I have
come here, my brother, not for the sake of this robe, but for the
sake of the Law. Grant my hearty desire of getting Enlightened."
"If you have come for the Law," replied Hwui Nang, "you must put an
end to all your struggles and longings. Think neither of good nor of
evil (make your mind pure from all idle thoughts), then see how is,
Hwui Ming, your original (mental) physiognomy!" Being thus
questioned, Ming found in an instant the Divine Light of Buddha
within himself, and became a disciple of the Sixth Patriarch.